
Over 8 months, fellows are supported with real-world challenges or enquiry questions.

The programme offers stories, models, tools, connection, access to an array of global contributors and support of different kinds, including Home Circles: small, close-knit groups helping each other throughout the journey.

And the journey doesn’t end there…


Programme overview

8 Months
Feb - Sept 2025

1.5 days p/month

+ optional sessions

All content online alongside resources to take out in nature

2x all sessions
for global timezones

How we’ll work together

Breakthrough thinking

Models, tools, case studies of regenerative approaches in practice.

Core sessions, innovation labs and more, working in support of your own live enquiry or practical challenge.


Lived practice

Support with connecting, presence and relaxation with nature & bringing this into your work and life. Get closer to lived practice with guided sessions, a nature-based ally, sit-spots and the option to join live events.



Spaces to connect & innovate as a global community, supported peer to peer sessions and 1-1 support. Integral to your journey through fellowship is your Home Circle.


World-leading innovation practitioners

Meet and hear stories from over 30 contributors from organisations and communities sharing their learnings of regenerative work

The Journey

The programme begins with an 8 month journey. The Journey is structured through a number of key topics including:

  • How to Prepare

  • Resilience

  • Reconnection

  • How to Make it Happen

  • Power

  • Integrity

  • Integration (how to keep it alive).

Each stepping stone on the journey is structured through three levels of knowledge: Thinking (new models and tools); Being (new experiences); and Connecting (new perspectives on learning and connecting like nature), taking you beyond the theoretical and into a physical, felt sense of the work.

Your challenge

Each fellow is invited to bring a practical challenge or question representing progress towards a more sustainable and thriving world.

From ‘how to resource our teams in difficult times’ to ‘healing gender relations with wilderness therapy’ and ‘planting urban rainforests’, the enquiries from our fellows have been wide-ranging, crossing borders, industries and generations.

Some fellows joined the programme at a breakthrough moment, others worked with us to find clarity in their project or enquiry question. In every case, our fellows were ready to be supported by a global network of people working to care for life.


Through the journey you are invited to join a Home Circle: a smaller group to work more closely with, sharing hopes, dreams, strategies, challenges and helping each other take next steps.

Around this, you’ll have access to a wider programme of optional ‘All-Fellow Sessions’ - meeting more fellows, learning about special topics and having space to share and connect projects.

Last but not least, you can also access 1:1 support and a range of physical gatherings and retreats, at special fellow rates.

This is for you if…

  • This is the right moment for you to work deeply in order to help bring about great changes in the world.

  • You will benefit from help developing your projects and work to another level

  • You are looking for new kinds of collaboration

  • The fellowship’s tools, language and support to be emboldened to act in new ways, with and for nature will help with the changes you want to see in the world

The fellowship is an extraordinary ground for learning from across sectors

Not least, the fellowship places emphasis on supporting people to stay well, resilient and nimble in carrying out work that is needed in the world


Past Guests, Contributors & Hosts

Each element of the Fellowship has been, and will be, co-created with partners who are themselves transforming leadership for the good of people and planet.


What to Expect for 2025


Core 2025 programme

This is 8 months journey for the cohort of 50 joining us in 2025.

Times usually 9am & repeated 4pm UK Time (sessions repeated timezones access) & lasting 1.5 - 3 hours. All sessions recorded.

Feb Opening Online Gathering - Two days of Stories and Workshops

March Navigating Unceratinty & Cultivating Resilience

April Manifesting - Developing a Connected & Regenerative Culture

May A global nature connection solo

June Manifesting - Making it Happen in Practice

August Working with Power and Integrity

Sept Closing Retreat

Oct and beyond… Onwards Community

Each month you’ll join core sessions and be supported by Home Group sessions, a peer support circle helping you make shifts in your work.

You’ll also be invited to all Mycelium Sessions to help you connect and initiate your work with the wider network.

Fundamentally. Its a Community Mycelium.

A global mycelium to learn, connect & catalyse your work and invites to emergent gatherings and events…

The Fellowship is a community first and programme second. We’ll provide lots of spaces weave together Fellow cohorts (of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 with the 2025 cohort) along with speakers and contributors (30 and counting) and allies from around the world.

Special Topics with leading speakers and doers from around the world
In 2024 we had sessions on themes of Post Growth, Philanthropy, Designing for the Future and been supported by Elders.

Community Lab Spaces which support the community mycelium of the fellowship, spaces to help each others projects and work

In 2024 we offered a series of workshop spaces to the community to develop nature conection practice, and moments to share and respond to each others projects,

Working with the principle of Mycelium we support local gatherings and sector/inquriy based connections as much as possible.

Working with Organisations.

Support your people to be the best sustainability leaders they can be. We will guide you through the program to define a project that creates positive impact within your organisation